St. Joseph Council 4810
Officers for 2021-2022
Grand Knight
Peter Dowd
Officers Duties:
The Grand Knight is responsible for the overall welfare of the council. The grand knight must provide thoughtful and inspired leadership to the 14 other council officers, the Service Directors, chairmen and members of the council. More specifically, his duties include: presiding over council meetings, appointing membership and program directors, acts as an ex officio member on all committees, including membership of recruitment and retention committees while making sure all required reports are submitted on time. The grand knight represents the council at Chapter meetings and the annual state convention.
Officer's Emblem:
Grand Knight's emblem is an Anchor which is suspended from a purple ribbon. The Anchor is indicative of Admiral Christopher Columbus and has also been a variant form of the Cross for centuries. The Grand Knight's ceremonial officer robe is royal purple. He wears a white cincture with silver fringe and a purple mantle with white roll collar.
Fr. Francois Eale'
Officers Duties:
The Priest chosen will primarily act as spiritual adviser to the brother knights and families of the council. He has no specific duties with regards to running the council. He is expected, however, to make a report at council meetings and give brief talk on any religious matters. The chaplain should also serve as an adviser to the church activities director.
Officer's Emblem:
The Chaplain's emblem is the Cross, worn on a black ribbon. The robe, too, is black with black trimming and yoke with white projecting collar. The cincture is black with silver fringe
Deputy Grand Knight
Tom O'Connor
Officers Duties:
The Deputy Grand Knight is second in command in the council. He assists the grand knight in the operation of the council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned to him by the grand knight. He is also the council's program director advising the various service program directors.
Officer's Emblem:
The Deputy Grand Knight's emblem is an Anchor which is suspended from a purple ribbon. The Anchor is indicative of Admiral Christopher Columbus and has also been a variant form of the Cross for centuries. The Grand Knight's ceremonial officer robe is royal purple. He wears a white cincture with silver fringe and a purple mantle with white roll collar.
Rob Perry
Officers Duties:
The Chancellor assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the council in the absence of the grand knight and deputy grand knight. He chairs the membership activities of the council to attract new members, getting them through the three degrees and making new members feel welcome in our council.
Officer's Emblem:
The Chancellor's emblem is the Isabella Cross, with Skull and Crossbones; it is worn on a black over white ribbon. The Cross is self-explanatory, while the Skull and Crossed Bones are symbolic of man's mortality. The Chancellor wears a black robe trimmed with white and a white cincture with silver fringe. He also wears a black mantle with white roll collar.
Drew Lockwood
Officers Duties:
The Warden is responsible for supervising and maintaining most council property except that which belongs to the financial secretary. He sets up council chambers for meetings and degrees and supervises guards for ceremonial exemplifications. The Warden should also oversee the inside and outside guards and make sure they are fulfilling the duties assigned to them.
Officer's Emblem:
The Warden's emblem, an Axe Bound with Rods, known as a Faces, was traditionally carried by the guards or protectors of Roman magistrates as a symbol of authority. The Warden ideally has and exercises that authority. The ribbon is colored red over black. His robe is black trimmed with scarlet with a scarlet cincture with silver fringe.
Inside Guard
Don Kachuba
Officers Duties:
The Inside Guard attends the inner door of the council chamber, checking on paid up membership cards before allowing entrance. The Inside Guard is charged with the security of the Council Chamber and assists the Warden in meeting the duties of his Office.
Officer's Emblem:
The Inside Guard's emblems, Crossed Key and Axe hung from a white ribbon, represent their power as sentries at the door. Their robes are gray with black trim and yoke. The cincture is also black with silver fringe.
Outside Guard
Pete Esteve
Officers Duties:
The Outside Guard tends the outer door of the council home, admitting all visitors to the inner door. The Outside Guard is also charged with the security of the Council Chamber and also assists the Warden in meeting the duties of his Office.
Officer's Emblem:
The Outside Guard's emblems, Crossed Key and Axe hung from a white ribbon, represent their power as sentries at the door. Their robes are gray with black trim and yoke. The cincture is also black with silver fringe.
Recording Secretary
John Giannotti
Officers Duties:
The Recorder functions the same way that a court recorder does. He also maintains all council correspondence.
Officer's Emblem:
Crossed Quills hung from a white over yellow ribbon are symbolic of The Recorder's responsibilities for letter and document (records) writing and preservation. His robe is black, trimmed with black, with a white cincture with silver fringe.
Financial Secretary
Jim Weis, PGK
Officers Duties:
The Financial Secretary's duties revolve around two areas: financial records and membership records. He receives all moneys that come into the council from any source. He then turns that money over to the council treasurer for deposit in the council account.
Officer's Emblem:
One of the main functions of this office is to collect money in the form of dues. He is the one who send outs dues notices. He must insure that new members sign constitutional roll of membership at the first degree.
Mike Mordarski
Officers Duties:
The Treasurer is the elected officer in charge of handling all council funds. He receives the money from the financial secretary. He must keep accurate financial records. The treasurer makes payments approved by the trustees.
Officer's Emblem:
Crossed Keys worn on a blue ribbon are symbolic of The Treasurer's complete authority over funds, particularly responsibility for their safekeeping. His robe is black, trimmed with black, and a white cincture with silver fringe.
Bill Casey, PGK
Officers Duties:
The Lecturer is appointed by the Grand Knight to provide suitable educational and entertaining programs for the council. He is responsible for presenting the Good of the Order" section of the council meetings. He will have ample time at each meeting to present a worthwhile program that will help build attendance and provide benefits to the membership that is present.
Officer's Emblem:
The Lecturer's emblem consists of Lyre and Scroll. These are traditionally symbols of music and literature and the arts. Hence, the Lecturer is in charge of entertainment. His ribbon is white over blue. The Lecturer wears a black robe with national blue trimming and blue cincture with silver fringe.
James M Feeley PGK
Officers Duties:
The Advocate is the legal representative of the council and serves as the council's attorney in case of trial and investigation of any matter of interest to the council. He should be thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the "Charter, Constitution and Laws" and with council by-laws as well as a working knowledge of the "Roberts Rules of Order".
Officer's Emblem:
The Advocate's emblem is the Scroll with Crossed Sword hung from a yellow ribbon. The Scroll is emblematic of legal literature and law, while the Sword indicates the power to defend and enforce the law. The Advocate's robe is black with golden yellow trim and yellow cincture with silver fringe.
Frank Murphy, PGK
Officers Duties:
The 3rd Year Trustee oversees the financial transactions of the Council, reviews all bills and financial reports and audits the Council's financial records semi-annually.
Officer's Emblem:
The Trustees emblems, Crossed Key and Sword, indicate this financial authority and are worn on green ribbons. Trustees wear black robes trimmed in green.
Chuck Sorrentino, PGK
Officers Duties:
The 2nd Year Trustee also oversees the financial transactions of the Council, reviews all bills and financial reports and audits the Council's financial records semi-annually.
Officer's Emblem:
The Trustees emblems, Crossed Key and Sword, indicate this financial authority and are worn on green ribbons. Trustees wear black robes trimmed in green.
John Pelkonen, PGK
Officers Duties:
The 1st Year Trustee assists the 2nd and 3rd Year Trustees with their duties.
Officer's Emblem:
The Trustees emblems, Crossed Key and Sword, indicate this financial authority and are worn on green ribbons. Trustees wear black robes trimmed in green.